Lazy Ways

Parrothead Page


Last updated 05/03/04 


 "They don't play grunge and they don't play loud. It's the magic of the music that still draws a crowd."


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"I won't make my music for money. No, I'm gonna make by music for me."


I love music but you may notice I didn't put any on this page. I'm sure you all have your own cd's of choice playing in the background so why compete with them. If you are in need of suggestions for your collection, below I have referenced some of my favorites.


Jimmy Buffett

Jim Morris

 Jerry Jeff Walker



"Surrounded by stories surreal and sublime, I fell in love in the library, once upon a time."


So you have a little time on your hands...or maybe you're heading to the beach for a week...and what you're looking for is a really good book to read. Well, the public library, to my knowledge, has not put in that Parrothead section yet. You're going to have to rely on the recommendations of your fellow Parrotheads. Below are some of the authors and books that they have recommended in the past. And if you have a favorite author or book that you would like to see here, just click on the dragon and he'll help you send us a message.


Jimmy Buffett

Carl Hiaasen




"Well the wind is blowing harder now, fifty knots or thereabouts. There's white caps on the ocean, and I'm watching for water spouts."


Click for Key West, Florida Forecast


Check out photos of Key West taken during MOTM99


 While we are on the subject of Key West, don't miss my favorite place...
Nancy Forrester's Secret Garden
If you can't visit them in person, at least visit them on the web.



"It was under the giant telescope where she heard the calling voice. It came screaming through the light years, she never had a choice."


Like any parrothead, I love the ocean. But...true confession time...I love the sky more. I'm fascinated by it. I love the beauty of Saturn's rings, the gorgeous colors of a nebula, the infinite shapes of galaxies, and I love the way Jean-Luc says "Engage". Oops...well, it's true. Since I have no immediate plans to boldly go where no one has gone before...I have to be content with studying the celestial websites listed below. If you think astronomy is over your head, take a look at these sites. It won't be long before you're steering by the stars.


Jack Horkheimer's Star Gazer - "Remember to keep looking up"

Sky & Telescope Magazine

 Heavens Above




"He's crazy and dangerous, but who else can you trust. He's the outlaw in all of us, the environmental terrorist."


These are several humanitarian and environmental agencies that I strongly support. Please take a look at them and help them out if you are able, either through your donations or through public awareness. I became aware of many of these through links on other people's websites. I hope these links will do the same for you.

Alley Cat Allies

ASPCA - American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Best Friends Santuary

Dolphin Research Center

Humane Society of Charlotte

Humane Society of the United States

Nature Conservancy

Save the Manatee

The Tropics - Exotic Bird Refuge

 United Animal Nations/EARS (Emergency Animal Rescue Service)



"I'm a little behind on this technical climb and you are an Internet girl."


If you are interested in meeting some great people and expanding your parrothead IQ check out the newsgroup and the #kwfl chatroom on Dalnet.


mIRC instructions



"This side of Texas, is all new to me. Who are these strangers, who live by the sea."


Here are some photos from Parrothead events I have attended.


Vegas Concert 1998


 Meeting of the Minds 1999



"Don't know where I'm going, don't like where I've been. There may be no exit, but hell I'm going in."


The following links are here because:

a. We think they are really neat sites,
b. We think the people who own the sites are really neat, or
c. We hope the people that own the sites will buy us a drink.


The Floatplan

Kona's Homepage

Greenwoman's Half Aft

Radio Margaritaville



"Someone's got to talk about accountability. Someone's got to raise some hell.
I guess it could be me."



Eye on Washington - Find your legislator and see their voting record



"I've been lazy most all my life writing songs and sleeping late, any manual labor I've done was been purely by mistake."


The following sites are designed and maintained (when we get around to it)
We lovingly refer to them as our Lazy Links.


afjb Members Map
Participants in the newsgroup can list where they live in hopes of finding other Parrotheads in their area. If you would like to be included, just send a note to the email listed on the site.


Lazy Ways Cats
Website devoted to my 8 phabulous, phurry phriends.



"We are the people, they couldn't figure out. We are the people our parents warned us about."


Check out some of the other sites in the Parrot Head Webring. Just as you will find a diverse population at a Buffett concert, so will you find all varieties of pages in the ring. And after browsing through them, why not make your own page and add it to the ring. After all...


"...if you ever wonder why you ride the carousel
You do it for the stories you can tell."


Parrot Head Webring Site
is owned by
Lazy Ways Parrothead Page.
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